20% wash with essences?

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Krispy Krouton

20% wash with essences?

Post by Krispy Krouton » Mon Mar 31, 2014 6:34 pm

Apologies if this is in the wrong section but I've had a look around and seems best here. I've ordered some turbo yeast and I want to make some spirit flavoured drinks at around 20% ABV. On the packet it says there's 135 grams of this stuff that is to be used with 21 litres of water & 8 kg of sugar. I don't want to make that much and was thinking of using a 5 litre demi John to just make a few bottles. It works out roughly about a quarter of the amounts for 5 litres so could I use a quarter of the amounts with success? I notice on the yeast packet that it's the yeast and yeast nutrient all mixed together, if that makes a difference? Also if I could do this how do I store the unused yeast without it going bad?



Re: 20% wash with essences?

Post by Geezah » Mon Mar 31, 2014 9:01 pm

As you say, divide the yeast weight by the number of gallons you want to brew and you should be ok to go.

To store the unused yeast, just make sure it is airtight (selotape over the cut used to pour out your yeast) and keep it in the fridge.

Krispy Krouton

Re: 20% wash with essences?

Post by Krispy Krouton » Mon Mar 31, 2014 9:06 pm

Thanks, Geezah :) the fermentation with this yeast is meant to be extremely active so perhaps using two demi johns with 2.5 litres each in might be better to give more head room, then pour into one for clearing? I've no experience with this yeast.

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