ginger beer

For any alcoholic brew that doesn't fit into any of the above categories!

ginger beer

Post by craggy » Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:45 pm

my daughters usually like to help me do the home brew so i said we could make some ginger beer, so the questions begin...

if ginger beer is made using sugar yeast etc why isnt it alcoholic?

anyone got a good recipe thats simple to make? i would like to do it in a demi jon so they can watch it ?
any ideas?



Post by IanRMartin » Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:58 pm

Real Ginger beer is alcoholic!!
I remeber at college a lecturer gave us a summer assignment to make ginger beer which we all thought was great fun untill he told us that we have to work out all sorts of nasty equations and work out how many moles of this there would be <_<

It didn't put me off

i took the reciepe and trippled the sugar :bonk and doubled the yeast, it fermented like mad for 2 weeks when it finished i bottle it and left it for about 2 days to mature :blink: before trying it. It had a nice taste of ginger but was way to sweet i think the yeast died before fementing all the sugar and it was strong! (Probably why the yeast died!)

oh what a summer :stun :out :stun :out


*** EDIT ***
Just found this on the net, sounds very similar to the one i used but more sensible amounts :D

450g (1lb) Sugar
4.5lt (8 pints) Water
1 Lemon
40g (1½oz) Root Ginger
25g (1 oz) Cream of Tartar
25g (1 oz) Brewers or Wine Yeast

Bruise the ginger (wrap in a clean cloth - hit with hammer) to release flavour.
Finely peel the lemon, removing only the outer waxy layer and squeeze the juice.
Place the ginger, lemon rind and cream of tartar into a bucket or large bowl.
Pour over the boiling water, add the lemon juice and stir well.
Allow to cool to about 21°C (70°F), remove a little of the liquid and mix with the yeast, stir the yeast mixture into the liquid.
Cover the container with a clean cloth (ensuring that the cloth cannot come into contact with the liquid) and secure with string or elastic.
Leave in a warm place 21°C (70°F) for 24 hours.
Strain the liquid through a fine cloth or skim off the froth and use a jug to bale out the liquid (being careful not to disturb the sediment).
Pour the ginger beer into strong bottles and cork.
Secure the corks with wire, leaving a little play (for possible expansion)
Store the bottle in a cool dark place.
If the corks begin to rise, release the wire slightly and re-secure.
The beer should be ready to drink after 2 - 3 days.

full malty

Post by full malty » Thu Jul 06, 2006 1:17 pm

QUOTE (craggy @ Jul 6 2006, 11:45 AM)my  daughters usually like to help me  do the home brew so i said we could make some ginger beer, so the questions begin...

if ginger beer is made using sugar yeast etc why isnt it alcoholic?

anyone got a good recipe thats simple to make? i would like to do it in a demi jon so they can watch it ?
any ideas?

cheers ... wtopic=806


Post by craggy » Thu Jul 06, 2006 1:25 pm

thanks for the replies, theres loads of recipes on net and none say its alcoholic??but i cant see how it isnt?

i did plan to make it , put it in a demijon till fermentation is complete then prime some pet bottles with a tsp of sugar...

not sure now....

cant imagine taking my daughters back to their mother half cut..... :wall


Post by IanRMartin » Thu Jul 06, 2006 1:34 pm

Most of the recipes i've found only let it ferment for 24hrs then halt the fermentation by chilling.
I can't imagine you would have to much alcohol in that time :huh:
Even so i wouldn't risk giving it to kids!

Anybody whos made any take SG readings??
What would the alcohol content be after just 24hrs??



Post by PieOPah » Mon Jul 10, 2006 3:52 pm

QUOTE (Daft as a Brush @ Jul 6 2006, 01:09 PM) Coopers make a Non-alcoholic and Alcoholic Ginger beer kit (add sugar for alcohol), ... m=bkit025h
Here's another ... =ginger001
I bought the Coopers Ginger Ale kit about 1 year ago. I made the alcoholic version (just added more sugar!).

To be honest I really wasn't all that impressed. That didn't stop me drinking it all though :D

A year later, I found a big bottle of the stuff that I hadn't drunk (About 1.5 litres). Anyway, I threw it in the fridge and drank it.

I really wish I had a lot more of that stuff. It was AMAZING....

So, If you buy the coopers kit, leave it for a year before drinking :D

I have also had a go at making my own Ginger Beer from scratch.

This involved making a Ginger Plant (or something like that).

A sachet of Bread Yeast. 2 Teaspoons of Ginger and 2 Teaspoons of Sugar. Half a pint of water thrown into the mix.

Everyday for a week you added another teaspoon of ginger and another of sugar. At the end of the week you were ready.

More water, more sugar and some lemon juice all mixed up. This was then bottled.

The biggest problem was the fermenting in the bottles caused nice bottle bombs that took an age to open (this was done before I really knew too much about what I was doing). The Ginger Beer did taste good.

As for whether or not it is alcoholic. I guess that it will be because of the yeast/sugar. It all depends on how much sugar you use. In 'Tradition' Ginger Beer, I don't think that there is enough sugar to make it all that strong.

I am thinking of making myself another batch up but I thikn I would be much more controlled in what I did next time, perhaps not spending a week making the Ginger Beer Plant first and instead doing it my own way.

Mmmmm You've really got me thinking about this now. What is a good NON-Fermentable sugar? Want to make a Ginger Beer but don't want it too dry!!!!



Post by Vossy1 » Mon Jul 10, 2006 6:29 pm

Easy Ginger Beer...I can't be bothered with the plant as it yields similar results

I like my ginger beer strong so:-

1 x 2ltr pop bottle (sterilised), 1 cup of sugar, 4oz of root ginger (I like to grate mine or stick it in a blender), juice of 1 lemon and a teaspoon of yeast.

Mix it all together in the bottle and leave for 24 hrs in a warm room...hey presto Ginger Beer

It will still ferment, albeit slowly in a fridge and if you dont touch it for a week it will be about 3.5%.

Mine never lasts that long :P :D

To add extra spice add 1 teaspoon of grated habernero chilli :angry:

Hot not angry, don't know if the chilli's spelt correctly


Post by Vossy1 » Mon Jul 10, 2006 6:46 pm

Turbo everything is too short :P :lol:

Just watch the bottle when you open it, it usually takes me about 5 minutes just to get into it, tightening, untightening, blah blah...but its worth it.

The only problem with the quick ginger beer is that the yeast is nearly always in suspension. I like bottle conditioned ale so you get used to the yeast, but the misses didn't like it. Thats why a bottle got left in the fridge for a see if it would did.

You ever heard a pet bottle sound like a crystal glass when pinged with a finger :o


Post by stringy » Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:11 pm

Check this out:
Quite an intersting article about making beer which has a negligable alcoholic content.
Im sure this would work fine with Full Malty's recipe.
Let us know how you get on with this!!

full malty

Post by full malty » Mon Jul 10, 2006 9:06 pm

QUOTE (Vossy1 @ Jul 10 2006, 05:46 PM)The only problem with the quick ginger beer is that the yeast is nearly always in suspension.
I think most people would expect a cloudy ginger beer, hence the usefulness of bread yeast.


Post by BlightyBrewer » Sat Aug 05, 2006 10:23 am

Mmm, ginger beer. Haven't really thought about making it, but it sounds good.

Vossy, did you use ale yeast or bread yeast?


Post by PieOPah » Sat Aug 05, 2006 11:06 am

QUOTE (Daft as a Brush @ Aug 5 2006, 12:38 AM) It certainly smelled great and didnt taste to bad, just a little sweet which is to be expected until the sugar ferments out. Just have to wait 3 weeks now <_<
I made the alcoholic version. My advice is to save yourself a few bottles and hide them away for about a year. I did this and the stuff was amazing....


Post by hairytoes » Sun Aug 06, 2006 11:38 am

I'm going to have a go at an alcoholic version, I love ginger beer.
One of my favorite shandies (for when i've got the car & find myself at a pub) is a bottle of ginger beer in a pint glass topped up with Belhaven best, makes a great summertime shandy!! ;)
I think I'll roughly follow the recipe here, but double up on the sugar & yeast & pop into a demijohn - got to fill these bloody things, been filling up my garage for months!!
If this works I imagine I will have a constant stock in the garage, as it sounds great!! :pink


Post by Vossy1 » Sun Aug 06, 2006 1:53 pm

I've used allinson's bread yeast and Gervin #3 BB.

I find that the bread yeast sediment if disturbed can be quite overpowering taste wise, whilst its not so much of a problem with G#3

I drink the stuff in large quantity and I've kind of got used to the taste of yeast.

Its quick and easy and thats the way I want it, if I want to faff around with sediment I can always make another beer :P


Post by hairytoes » Mon Aug 07, 2006 9:12 am

A man after my own heart!! I'm going for it tonight, when i get the stuff together.
To think that homebrewing has the myth of being difficult, messy & equipment laden hobby - some of these recipes eg. Turbo Cider & Ginger Beer are so quick and easy & require very litte in the way of equipment.
I'm sure they will be almost as satisfying to make & drink than a good quality AG beer....well almost!! ;)

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