Bread with beer yeast

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Bread with beer yeast

Post by aleian » Mon Oct 11, 2010 11:31 pm

Might be a stupid question but can you make bread with the yeast that's left over from brewing beer? I've been telling my girlfriend for years that I used to make bread from scratch but I've never made any for her, now that yeast is my best friend it seems a shame to be throwing it all down the toilet when I've finished fermenting, can I just take a big dollop of it and chuck it in with some flour and bake it? I like the idea of keeping the little yeasties working a bit longer instead of just ditching them when they've worked so hard for my enjoyment but I wonder if they're up for the job when they've been living on malt extract and sugar for the last couple of weeks. Come to think of it, can I use wort or fermented beer instead of water to make a dough just to make them feel more at home?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated,



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Re: Bread with beer yeast

Post by potatoes » Tue Oct 12, 2010 9:40 am

Never used left over yeast as I think the sediment would be a bit nasty in bread. But I did use a dried beer yeast packet and even though it was past expiry date, it worked well. Its worth giving it a go.


Re: Bread with beer yeast

Post by Madbrewer » Tue Oct 12, 2010 4:59 pm

from the thick slurry left over in the fermenting vessel i have added 3 tablesppons of yeast to the wet ingredients (put in the machine last) the bread worked wonderfully ...


Re: Bread with beer yeast

Post by raiderman » Tue Oct 12, 2010 8:41 pm

Go for it. In theory it won't work as well. Bread yeasts have been developed to produce high amounts of C02 and beer yeasts er alcohol. Whilst brewing with bakers yeast might be risk there's a certain romance to baking bread with your beer yeast and drink your beer with the finished product. I don'y know if theres any history of baking with alchl - but I make a cheddar and cider bread which is pretty damn fine so I reckon you could get away with using beer unless its excessively hoppy. I'm brewing Sat and I'm up for trying this out


Re: Bread with beer yeast

Post by aleian » Wed Oct 13, 2010 7:30 pm

That's good enough for me, I'll give it a go when I transfer my latest brew to the barrel and let you know how I get on. I'm thinking it'll probably take a while to prove but the worst that'll happen is I waste a couple of pounds of flour and a couple of hours. Worth a go in the name of science anyway!


Re: Bread with beer yeast

Post by raiderman » Wed Oct 13, 2010 9:19 pm

I'd wondered how long the yeast wil take to get hold. I'm going to start early and let it be a beer based sourdough


Re: Bread with beer yeast

Post by pokerswazi » Thu Oct 14, 2010 6:06 am

I've baked bread with the slurry left in the FV and it came out ok. wasn't wonderful or worth repeating though, it was too bitter. bread made with beer instead of water is a different matter, that comes out great and tastes awesome but I still use bakers yeast in the mix. Hoppy bitterness is a no no for me though, it just tastes a bit wrong in bread. I'll only use something like a mild for it.


Re: Bread with beer yeast

Post by simco999 » Thu Nov 11, 2010 10:41 pm

My tuppenworth - I made bread with some cider yeast (all I had ) tasted very nice but a bit heavy - not bad for my first attempt.


I've saved some slurry off my first AG - going to try to bake some bread with it. Its a Weiss Bier so don't know how it will come out. Watch this space.


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Re: Bread with beer yeast

Post by potatoes » Wed Nov 17, 2010 11:41 am

looks good. keep it updated...


Re: Bread with beer yeast

Post by BobM » Sun Nov 28, 2010 5:25 pm

There was a pub in Oxford who made both beer and bread which was good so I thought I'd give this a go. Instead of water I used about half a pint of yeast and beer at the bottom of the fermentation bin. Bread rose OK but was too bitter for most uses. One problem was that I was brewing a beer which was hopped with Goldings and Fuggles.

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Re: Bread with beer yeast

Post by fatboylard » Sun Dec 05, 2010 2:53 pm

Made a bread starter with the tiniest leftovers from a kit yeast packet earlier this year with good results. I think it was something like 3tbsp wholemeal flour mixed with just enough water to give the consistency of double cream and a pinch of the yeast grains. After about 3 days (covered) it made a decent loaf of wholemeal albeit a little dense.

I wonder if a starter using some of the krausen spooned off the top during fermentation would provide a cleaner taste rather than just dumping some of the yeast slurry into your bread mix?

Just a thought...
Fermenter 1: Turbocider
Demijohn 1: Mead

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