Cooking with hops?

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Cooking with hops?

Post by CJR » Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:25 am

I was wondering about the possibility of substituting various bits of greenery for leftover hops? One example could be to use hops instead of/with cabbage in bubble and squeak.

Has anybody ever cooked with them and if so, any recipes?
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Re: Cooking with hops?

Post by wilsoa11111 » Wed Jul 03, 2013 8:33 am

also interested in this one, best use i have found so far is to make hop tea, which isnt great tbh... frankly any other use would be condidered, just seems such as waste

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Re: Cooking with hops?

Post by sunny_jimbob » Mon Sep 23, 2013 4:48 pm

Only just seen this. Over the summer, the local brew group had a weekend camping, and for the massed Saturday night barby, I provided some pork and cascade sausages, which went down a treat. You could use any hop and any meat I guess. I used fresh hops, but there's no reason you couldn't use spent ones.

Pork and Cascade sausages

Half an onion fine chopped and caramelised
2 tbsp Cascade, blitzed in the blender
4 lb pork mince (mince your own or buy from the shops, whatever)
0.5 lb chopped and crisp fried bacon
6 cloves garlic chopped
5 tbsp Brown Sugar
5 tsp salt
3 tsp black pepper
150 ml beer - your choice, I went with stout (homebrewed of course!)

1. Combine everything in a big mixing bowl - save the beer for last, and add gradually so the texture is moist but not sloppy.
2. Take a small amount and shape it into a mini burger shape. Fry, and taste test. Adjust seasonings etc by taste.
3. Run through your sausage stuffing machine into whatever skins you use. I used standard sized hog skins.
4. Cook like normal sausages, and enjoy! I found they were best served in bread, with some sort of chutney/relish to provide a sweetness to counter the bitterness of the hops.
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Re: Cooking with hops?

Post by brewtalk » Sun Dec 15, 2013 4:55 pm

Liking the idea a few years ago, i was thinking of trying to marinate meat with spent hop pellets i never did cause its a crime in my view to ruin good steak derping around to try a idea, one day i might try it on cheap braising steak?

gonna try your burger recipe when i make my next mini mash, have you tried minced beef and pork to make burgers its amazing.

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