Pocket Rocket & Moose (Mosaic single hop AIPA). AG Biab #12

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Pocket Rocket & Moose (Mosaic single hop AIPA). AG Biab #12

Post by wolfenrook » Sun May 27, 2018 10:57 pm

So, this turned out to be the last brew I ever made using my ACE. A cable inside burned right through, and the screw holding the crimp terminal in place was so corroded I couldn't get it off to put a new one on to fix it.
Luckily it went 5 minutes before the end of a 75 minute boil, so I just combined the 5 minute and flame out hops, and carried on.

Targets: OG: 1.052. IBUs: 40.1 Tinseth. Colour: 10.4 EBC. 23 Litres into FV.
Actual: OG: 1.060. 20.5 Litres into FV. I could have diluted, except I'd used the water I'd boiled to use for this during the boil.... :lol:

Brewed on 12th, it at hit an FG of 1.012 by 23rd (2 packets of Mangrove Jacks M44 West Coast yeast, 1 rehydrated, 1 sprinkled as I hadn't planned for an OG of 1.060....).

Mash (recirculating, with stirring every 30 minutes): 90 Minutes @ 65 degrees C (Strike in 23.33 litres @ 68 degrees C). Mash Out for 10 minutes at 76 degrees C, rising over 7 minutes (stirring during entire rise). Boiler emptied of liquid, then grain sort of fly sparged, then recirculated, @76 degrees C with 5 litres.

Gypsum 5g in mash
Crisp Maris Otter 6 EBC 3000g
Ireks Pale Ale Malt 7 EBC 1450g
Munich Malt 17.7 EBC 350g
Carapils Malt 3.9 EBC 240g

SG of the mash runnings was 1.052. SG of sparge runnings was 1.028, giving me 25.73 litres into the boil at an SG of 1.0485.

Nice clear runnings from the mash when I drained it into a clean FV.
Afraid that's the only pic I took though.

Then the, rather shortened, boil... Was supposed to be 75 minutes, ended at 70 minutes. Whole hops were used:-

Mosaic 13.4% AA 23g @ 70 minutes (actual @ 65 minutes)
Mosaic 13.4% AA 12g @ 15 minutes (actual @10 minutes)
Mosaic 13.4% AA 12g @ 5 minutes (actual @ flameout)
Mosaic 13.4% AA 53.4g @ Flameout (finishing a 100g packet, turns out there was actually 100.4g in there...).

Half way through the boil, I added a further 3 litres of water that was 80 degrees C already.

Then cooled using immersion chiller with wort recirculated through it to speed the process, down to 18 degrees C. Then with much splashing, into the FV. Pitched the 1 packet of Mangrove Jacks M44 West Coast yeast that I had rehydrated and put it away. Then a couple of hours later I pitched another packet of M44 into it by sprinkling, as with an OG of 1.060 I was worried I'd stress the yeast.

Took samples for SG on the 19th, and again on the 25th. SG was 1.012 on both, so seems to be the FG, giving me a beer with an ABV of 6% approx before priming. Flavour of the samples was delicious! Toasted bread malt with just a tiny hint of caramel, combined with a huge hit of fruity hops, and a tiny hint of herbal in there too. Gorgeous smell too, I do love Mosaic hops!!

Then earlier tonight I gave my hop sock a good boiling, along with some big marbles, and used it to add a dry hop of 50g of Mosaic 11.5% AA hop pellets.

I really can't wait to get this bottled, conditioned, and into a glass, followed by my mouth... :lol:

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Re: Pocket Rocket & Moose (Mosaic single hop AIPA). AG Biab #12

Post by Jim » Mon May 28, 2018 7:28 am

Sounds like a nice brew.

Can you not drill out the old screw and re-tap the hole?
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Re: Pocket Rocket & Moose (Mosaic single hop AIPA). AG Biab #12

Post by wolfenrook » Mon May 28, 2018 10:37 am

Afraid not Jim, as it went outside and a scrap man whipped it away within minutes. lol Very efficient scrap men around here. I did however whip the ball valve tap off it, along with the fittings I had added myself.

It's not all gloom though, my new build is going very very well so far. :wink:

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Re: Pocket Rocket & Moose (Mosaic single hop AIPA). AG Biab #12

Post by Jim » Mon May 28, 2018 1:58 pm

Oh no! I bet you could have sold it ten times over on here for spares or repair!

Never mind - new build on the way! :)
NURSE!! He's out of bed again!

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