A lagerish extract effort .

Discussion on brewing beer from malt extract, hops, and yeast.
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A lagerish extract effort .

Post by Nosferatu » Thu Jun 12, 2014 4:07 pm

Hello again folks after the success and good feedback on my last brew I thought I'd hoy my next planned effort up here for you lot to take a look and offer any advice / ideas . The Mrs is after me to make something that she might drink and given that I don't mind a good lager myself I'm wanting to have a go at a Czech ish style . Going with the experience from my last brew I'll be sticking with the 20l batch idea made up from the following .
1 x 1.5 l tin light LME
1 x 500 g extra light DME
1 x 1 Kg brew enhancer
50 g Perle hops
1 x Hallertau hop teabag thingy
Yeast (As yet undecided , may go again with the Jack M10 workhorse yeast given it's versatility and not having anywhere cool enough for a proper lager yeast to work)
May use some wilko beer finings to try and get a nice pilsener clarity .
My intended method is as before .
1, Bring 6l of water to boil and stir in the extra light DME .
2, Add 40g of Perle , boil for 60 min . Chuck the other 10g in after 45 min .
3, At end of the 60 min , take off heat and chuck in the Hallertau teabag .
4, Strain my wort into FV , stir in my LME and brew enhancer .
5, Top up to 20l and upon reaching 20-25c pitch the yeast . (This is where my yeast dilemma comes in , my spare room aka the fermenting room and bottling plant is a pretty steady 18-20c so a touch warm for true lager yeast and subsequent lagering so would I be better off just sticking with a standard ale yeast ? )
6, Ferment .. x days , add finings ?
7, Let the finings do their thing
8, Bottle (Next question , the coopers carbon drops were great for my amber ale thing but not enough for a lager in a 500ml bottle so I'm thinking 3/4 tsp of golden granulated sugar for bottle conditioning )
9, Condition in the fridge ? Will this help acheive a more lagery finish ?
According to the calculator thing I should end up with Original Gravity: 1.0509 Final Gravity: 1.0127 Alcohol by Volume: 4.998% so pretty much dead on what you'd expect from a Czech lager . Also expecting something in region of 18 IBU Any thoughts on whether using a non lager yeast will totally change the characteristics of things , or am I basically doing a lager flavoured ale ? As before any ideas , advice , suggestions on hop timings / additions are welcome and appreciated .
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Re: A lagerish extract effort .

Post by Jim » Wed Jun 18, 2014 10:00 am

Your method looks fine to me.

I'm not an expert on making lager by any means, but I would guess that the Mangrove Jack will be OK - especially if you can't control fermentation temperature.

Yes, condition in the fridge if you can.
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Hollow Legs
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Re: A lagerish extract effort .

Post by Nosferatu » Wed Jun 18, 2014 7:32 pm

Cheers Jim , had a search through the site and there seems to be a consensus that using the Nottingham yeast is a decent lager alternative and luckily I've got some of that handy as well so once my malts turn up I'll be ready to go .
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Hollow Legs
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Re: A lagerish extract effort .

Post by Nosferatu » Fri Jun 27, 2014 2:25 pm

Quick update , tweaked a few things , ended up using closer to 60g hops for the boil and 15g in the last 10 after checking a few recipes and realising I could do with more IBU and that my hops were at the lower end of the perle range regarding a.a. % at only 7.7 . Used the Nottingham yeast clone and it seems to be going well . Colour is a wee bit darker than expected but it might look better once fermented and clarified . O.G at pitching was 1,052 .
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