Siphoning FAIL...

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Siphoning FAIL...

Post by thickodicko » Wed Mar 26, 2014 12:13 am


So, I have brewed a kit, everything has gone swimmingly. Left in FV to clear for two weeks after fermentation had completed. All looking good and on track to being a nice drink.

I have since then tried to move this from the FV to a PB where it was going to stay, I got bored of even trying to secondary ferment or force carbonate in the PB as it simply does not do what a corny keg does. So I bought another shiny (now own two).

Now when transferring from the PB to the corny keg the tubing and tap attachment that works with my FVs did not fit the tap on the PB. I then made two hamfisted attempts to transfer to my shiny new corny keg and I think I have potentially ballsed it all up.

First mistake was trying to ram the siphon tube up the ill fitting tap and turn tap on. This resulted in beer going everywhere and some going in the keg from a height. Bubbles were seen and heart began to sink.

Second mistake was then ditching the tubing altogether and turning the tap on from a corny keg opening height to the bottom.... More dreaded bubbles seen and seeing as I had started and could see no other decent way of doing this I decided to finish and just continued pouring the lot into the corny.

The end result is lots of froth and unless I am mistaken lots of oxygen!

Have I ruined this batch? Is there anyway I can stop the oxygen from trashing it?

I have so far sealed it all up and whacked 30PSI into the keg and purged about 5 times to try and get as much oxygen out but I don't know if this is too little too late.

Turning to you guys for some help!

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Re: Siphoning FAIL...

Post by thickodicko » Wed Mar 26, 2014 12:14 am

oh and if this is the wrong forum.. Sorry mods please feel free to move.

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