Pear Cider from fruit

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Pear Cider from fruit

Post by suitsyousir » Sun May 10, 2015 8:13 pm

Hi all

I am finally planning on using the pears from the tree in my garden and making a proper pear cider this year. The only problem is that the pears seem to come off of the tree a few at a time, over the course of the summer. I don't have a press so was planning on using the juicer on them, however I don't want either the pears or the juice to go off in between each few coming off of the tree...


If I juice a few, put the juice in a plastic bottle then freeze,then juice some more a few weeks later, then add the new juice to the frozen juice already in the bottle, freeze and repeat until i have enough juice to make at least a 10 pint batch, will this work?? Or will adding juice to already frozen juice, freezing then adding more to freeze later cause something to happen to make the juice unusable?

Or does anyone else have any other juice/fruit preserving ideas please??

Thank you kindly :D

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Re: Pear Cider from fruit

Post by Pinto » Sun May 10, 2015 8:16 pm

Freezing them will help them break up - pears are very fibrous and hard fruit.
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Re: Pear Cider from fruit

Post by suitsyousir » Sun May 10, 2015 8:19 pm

Im not sure I have the room to freeze the pears themselves, unfortunately.

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Re: Pear Cider from fruit

Post by oldbloke » Sun May 10, 2015 8:24 pm

What sort of pears? When my dad ran two allotments and our garden, a lot of apples and pears (Conference) went up into the loft in trays, and kept well for a loooonnnngggg time. Anywhere dry and not too hot should do. Conference is a hard pear, it maybe wouldn't be so good with some varieties.

I can't think of a reason offhand that your incremental freezing idea shouldn't work. I might keep each batch of juice in separate bags though.


Re: Pear Cider from fruit

Post by suitsyousir » Sun May 10, 2015 8:35 pm

Yup they are conference pears. They never seem to ripen enough to eat, so maybe they will last long enough to juice all together. I have a loft I can use and its fairly cool up there as our insulation is quite good. I also have a garage I could use. Never even thought of a new bag for each batch of juice :oops:


Re: Pear Cider from fruit

Post by Waylander264 » Mon Jun 01, 2015 11:03 pm

Hi, just came across this thread and would be interested in some instructions for making the pear cider as I have a tree in my garden and the fruit have pretty much gone to waste the last couple of years. Sorry to hijack the thread.


Re: Pear Cider from fruit

Post by suitsyousir » Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:56 am

Waylander264 wrote:Hi, just came across this thread and would be interested in some instructions for making the pear cider as I have a tree in my garden and the fruit have pretty much gone to waste the last couple of years. Sorry to hijack the thread.
No problem at all. Haven't had any pears off the tree yet, so am still waiting. Was probably going to find a recipe from google somewhere. I have seen one elsewhere but need to find it again. The daily mail did a very basic recipe last year that good easy enough.

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