First Attempt Turbo Cider

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First Attempt Turbo Cider

Post by MuckyFunster » Thu Mar 08, 2018 1:28 am

Hi folks

I’ve been reading up on Turbo Ciders and fancy giving it a go myself.

I’ve picked up a 4.5 litre Demijohn and am hoping to get it started tomorrow

Planning on using

4 litres of Lidl Vitafit cloudy Apple juice
500 ml of strong tea
200g of grated ginger
1tsp powdered ginger
200g Brown sugar
5g Gervin Cider yeast (or maybe only half the sachet)

Sound good? Any hints, tips or suggestions?



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Hollow Legs
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Re: First Attempt Turbo Cider

Post by sonicated » Thu Mar 08, 2018 9:16 am

I don't think you need to add that much tea, I'd make a 150-200ml cup with 2 or 3 tea bags for a gallon otherwise you're needlessly watering it down. I've never made cider with ginger but that seems like an awful lot to me. For a first cider I'd recommend keeping it simple and use ginger for your second so you can tell the difference, but it's your cider so feel free to do what you want!

Apple juice lacks certain nutrients which help the yeast out so I would recommend adding a teaspoon of yeast nutrient. In my experience this isn't necessary but it will speed fermentation up.

In any case let us know how it goes and more importantly how it tastes!

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Re: First Attempt Turbo Cider

Post by Haydnexport » Thu Mar 08, 2018 2:02 pm

Thats also a LOT of sugar for such a small batch, will be tramp juice for sure :lol:

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Re: First Attempt Turbo Cider

Post by MuckyFunster » Thu Mar 08, 2018 9:59 pm

I got this Cider on the go tonight.

I took the advice given re the yeast nutrient, and the amount of sugar used.

I washed and peeled the ginger, then grated it into a pot. Didn’t have any powder ginger, so used 280g of fresh grated. Into the pot with some apple juice and 80g brown sugar. Brought it to the boil then turned it off and stuck two tea bags into the mixture. Gave it a stir and left it to stew for about 45 mins or so.

I put roughly half of the 5g sachet of Cider yeast into a wee drop of cooled boiled water and left it for 20mins. Then I added some cooled boiled sugar water into the yeast, along with a teaspoon of yeast nutrient and gave it a stir.

Added 3 litres of apple juice to a demijohn along with the apple and ginger liquor, poked all the bits of ginger into the demijohn too and added the yeast.

I siphoned off a sample for the hydrometer and it’s giving an SG of 1045. Still to add in another 1.5l of apple juice, which I’ll do in a couple of days.

No activity in the demijohn as yet...we’ll see how it goes.

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Re: First Attempt Turbo Cider

Post by MuckyFunster » Thu Mar 08, 2018 10:11 pm

I got this Cider on the go tonight.

I took the advice given re the yeast nutrient, and the amount of sugar used.

I washed and peeled the ginger, then grated it into a pot. Didn’t have any powder ginger, so used 280g of fresh grated. Into the pot with some apple juice and 80g brown sugar. Brought it to the boil then turned it off and stuck two tea bags into the mixture. Gave it a stir and left it to stew for about 45 mins or so.

I put roughly half of the 5g sachet of Cider yeast into a wee drop of cooled boiled water and left it for 20mins. Then I added some cooled boiled sugar water into the yeast, along with a teaspoon of yeast nutrient and gave it a stir.

Added 3 litres of apple juice to a demijohn along with the apple and ginger liquor, poked all the bits of ginger into the demijohn too and added the yeast.

I siphoned off a sample for the hydrometer and it’s giving an SG of 1045. Still to add in another 1.5l of apple juice, which I’ll do in a couple of days.

No activity in the demijohn as yet...we’ll see how it goes.

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Re: First Attempt Turbo Cider

Post by oldbloke » Fri Mar 09, 2018 10:07 am

It's a lot of ginger!

Using cloudy juice, it's not going to clear, so you'll need to check if it's finished with a hydrometer, or just give it a good 12-14 days (assuming decent temperature and nutrient).

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Re: First Attempt Turbo Cider

Post by MuckyFunster » Fri Mar 09, 2018 11:46 am

Yeah, I do like ginger!

The cider is bubbling away quite the thing this morning. It’s cool to watch the wee airlock bubble away!

Theres no any foam on top like I’d normally see when making a beer kit, but all the ginger which was at the bottom last night has risen to the top.

I’ll give it a couple days then add the remainder of the Apple juice. Might take it off the ginger after a week as I’ve heard it can make it bitter to leave it on too long, then I’ll give it another week to fizzle out before bottling it.

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Re: First Attempt Turbo Cider

Post by MuckyFunster » Fri Mar 09, 2018 1:53 pm

Was just thinking...

The OG was 1045, but I’ve still to add in an extra 1.5l of apple juice. Will that affect the gravity at all, or is it just a case of increasing the volume of liquid, so the gravity will be roughly the same?

It works out at about 13g if sugar per 100ml. I’ve been googling trying to find something like a projected gravity scale but I can’t find anything.

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Re: First Attempt Turbo Cider

Post by sonicated » Fri Mar 09, 2018 2:38 pm

I would take the OG of the added apple juice which will probably be the same.

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Re: First Attempt Turbo Cider

Post by orlando » Fri Mar 09, 2018 3:46 pm

MuckyFunster wrote:
Fri Mar 09, 2018 1:53 pm
It works out at about 13g if sugar per 100ml. I’ve been googling trying to find something like a projected gravity scale but I can’t find anything.
1.045 down to 1.000 = 5.91%
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Re: First Attempt Turbo Cider

Post by MuckyFunster » Sat Mar 10, 2018 7:14 pm

The airlock had slowed right down this afternoon so I decided to add in the rest of the Apple juice, and it’s exploded back to life!

It’s pushed all the water out of the airlock Image

[IMG]// ... 522a17.jpg[/IMG]

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Re: First Attempt Turbo Cider

Post by oldbloke » Mon Mar 12, 2018 5:59 pm

Annoying isn't it?

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Re: First Attempt Turbo Cider

Post by MuckyFunster » Tue Mar 13, 2018 8:20 pm

[quote="oldbloke"]Annoying isn't it?[/quote]

Yeah, a bit. I left it to settle down for a day then I took the airlock off, cleaned it, and replaced it. I don’t think I’ve lost too much of the cider, maybe just 100-200 ml or something.

The bubbling has slowed right down again now.

Going to transfer it to another demi later this week to take it off the ginger.

I’ve read it can make it too bitter if left on for too long.

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Re: First Attempt Turbo Cider

Post by MuckyFunster » Wed Mar 14, 2018 11:43 pm

I transferred the cider into another demijohn tonight. Nightmare! The fine ginger gratings kept clogging up the syphon tube pretty much immediately any time it started syphoning. I ended up wrapping some muslin around the demijohn’s neck and pouring the cider into the other vessel using a funnel. Worked out okay, and it meant I was able to squeeze out the ginger bits that had collected in the muslin to make sure there was minimal loss. *thumbs up.

It’s very very cloudy but smells nice and gingery, though I’m smelling a tiny bit of eggy sulphur too.

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Hollow Legs
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Re: First Attempt Turbo Cider

Post by sonicated » Thu Mar 15, 2018 10:40 am

MuckyFunster wrote:
Wed Mar 14, 2018 11:43 pm
It’s very very cloudy but smells nice and gingery, though I’m smelling a tiny bit of eggy sulphur too.
The sulphur is normal for cider, it really isn't pleasant! If you taste it I'm sure it will be fine.

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