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Post by Jim » Sat Jun 02, 2018 4:17 pm

Please make sure that before using this forum, you read the privacy policy and forum user agreement which can be found on this page:


From time to time this policy may be updated - if so, I'll bring it to members' attention with an announcement thread. For major changes that significantly affect the way you use the forum, I will send out an email to all members with a summary of the changes and a link to the new agreement, so please keep your contact email address up to date.

Joining members will be asked to agree to the latest forum use conditions prior to joining.

New members must be activated by an administrator before they can use the forum. Any accounts found to be registered from an IP address associated with spam activity will be deleted immediately and the IP address will be banned from accessing the forum.

Newly activated accounts will have limited privileges, including not being allowed to use the forum private messaging facility. This is to avoid problems with spammers who were not identified at the registration stage. Once you have made 6 posts on the forum you will get full member privileges.
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Re: Jim's Beer Kit - Legal Information for Forum Users

Post by Jim » Sat Jun 02, 2018 4:17 pm

Jim's Home Brew Forum Acceptable Posting Guidelines

Updated May 2014

This is a forum for adults, so moderation is kept light.

However, we will not tolerate: -

-Abuse of other members; name calling, flaming
-Expressions of hate, prejudice or intolerance against groups of people because of their race, gender, sexuality, religious beliefs, or disability (whether abusive language is used or not)
-Libellous (or potentially libellous) posts
-Use of obscene or inappropriate language

Crude, Rude and Adult Humour
Greater tolerance will be shown in the Tap Room regarding adult themes and language, but nowhere else on the forums.

Commercial Links
Must be posted in the 'Home Brew Suppliers' section and will be reviewed by a Moderator before appearing. You must join the forum as a member before you can post.

Obvious spammers will be deleted immediately. We will block the IP address where practicable.

Sanctions for Members who Ignore the Above Guidelines
The offending post will be edited by the moderators and the user will receive a warning. Persistent offenders will receive temporary or permanent bans at the discretion of site admin.
NURSE!! He's out of bed again!

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