Hello again :)

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Hello again :)

Post by Jed » Fri May 03, 2024 4:27 pm

Hello everyone, I'm back after 16 years! I've brewed a couple of all grains in the past, with varying success, one good Pale Ale using recovered yeast from Summer Lightning bottles and the last one a Porter which I had to ditch. That was March 2008!
I think my last post then said I was looking forward to my 3rd attempt... well it's been a long time coming! But tomorrow is the day! :)
A month ago whilst talking with a friend, who brews great beers using Malt extract kits, he asked if I still had the equipment to do All Grain? Yes I have... and so tomorrow we are brewing a Sussex Best clone from the Malt Miller using a Brewlab slope yeast. The yeast starter is looking good, started it 2 days ago, I've just treated the water with Campdem tablets. So fingers crossed and wish us luck! Cheers everyone Jed aka John.

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Re: Hello again :)

Post by Jim » Fri May 03, 2024 4:43 pm

Welcome back, and good luck!
NURSE!! He's out of bed again!

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Re: Hello again :)

Post by bitter_dave » Sun May 05, 2024 7:39 am

Welcome back!

Sussex Best is my favourite beer in the world! Let us know how you get on

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Re: Hello again :)

Post by charliemartin » Sun May 05, 2024 9:59 am

Welcome back. Hope it goes well for you. Are you doing any other water treatment apart from a Camden tablet?

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Re: Hello again :)

Post by Jed » Thu May 30, 2024 11:02 am

[quote=charliemartin post_id=869617 time=1714899574 user_id=12105]
Welcome back. Hope it goes well for you. Are you doing any other water treatment apart from a Camden tablet?

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Hello and thanks. No other water treatment, I only used Campden tablets. Water treatment is not something I've really looked into. I am in a hard water area though so maybe something I should investigate. Was going to wait and see how the beer comes out.

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Re: Hello again :)

Post by Jed » Thu May 30, 2024 11:05 am

[quote=bitter_dave post_id=869616 time=1714891140 user_id=36]
Welcome back!

Sussex Best is my favourite beer in the world! Let us know how you get on

Hello and thanks. Yes it's one of my favs too. Brew day was successful, almost 2 weeks in the bottles now. I'll post up some Brew day pics and notes.

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