Shifting a hop plant

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Shifting a hop plant

Post by floydmeddler » Sun Feb 28, 2016 8:59 am

Hey folks,

I have a hop plant that's currently at the back of my garden under an apple tree. Needless to say, it's has never produced anything in the two years it's been there.

Is it OK for me to dig it up now and replant in a sunny location or do I need to wait until a certain time of year?


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Re: Shifting a hop plant

Post by Wonkydonkey » Sun Feb 28, 2016 10:21 am

I'd say get it up now, while we still have cold weather. Or your be waiting till nov. Or when we get frosts at the end of the year,
Only one othe thing, what type is it? as you can see I'm in brighton, and with all that mild weather we had, my casgade was showing signs of life in January as well as the santiam., but both has slowed/stopped now it's got cold, I also read that casgade is the first to be withdrawn from sale as it's an early starter.

If your unsure about moving it, just take a rizome/cutting and see if it takes. but I'm sure you know it takes 2yrs for hop plants to give enough hops for a brew.
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Re: Shifting a hop plant

Post by shuggie159 » Tue Mar 01, 2016 9:17 am

Under a tree is a no no. Yes Hops need a sunny location, but more than that they are incredibly thirsty beasts. Plant somewhere where during their growth phase you can water generously.


Re: Shifting a hop plant

Post by chub1 » Tue Mar 01, 2016 9:00 pm

Provided you don't dig it up whilst the ground is frozen anytime now until April is the best time, it's dormant, it will settle in nicely before producing any growth and get away well .
Due to the very mild winter it might already have some new growth?, don't worry get it moved.

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