Had a couple of days off work, Thursday was spent lifting roof tiles at the side of the house so I could insulate some pipes that run underneath and keep freezing up in winter, come to think of it I actually wasn't off - just fitted it around 4 hours of work meetings on teams!
So yesterday was more fun out by the Shed making Shed lager. a big 60L batch of it using the wood fired boiler, although I heated the mash water in my buffalo. After a previous brew day I forgot to clean the boiler out and it was full of dead hops and flies when I looked at it, it's been full of chemclean for the last couple of weeks to get it shiny inside so while I was washing all traces of that out I used the electricity.
Recipe is here https://share.brewfather.app/3DOVQX2u0WZk66
The original Shed recipe was a Stella clone SMASH with Saaz but it's evolved from there. I like magnum for generic bittering nowadays and after I persuaded Crossmyloof to stock saphir for the putin Huilo recipe I keep on buying it!
Gravity according to my refractometer was 1043 which is what it was supposed to be.
I ran some 20mm black mdpe to the IBC of rainwater in the corner of the front garden which nicely feeds the cooling pump and recirculates it, I'll probably keep that solution for the future as it's a lot easier than setting up pipes into the above ground swimming pool every time I brew in the summer!
The IBC water cooled it down to 19 degrees in an hour or so, and the stick on thermometer was showing 18 when I put it on the table in the shed/fermenting area last night. Checked this AM and it's generating some CO2 airlock lifting up, nice 14 degrees on the strip so covered it up with a blanket.
A photo is always good, this is the brew bubbling away thanks to some chopped up pallets underneath!
Out by the Shed again
Had a good one? Tell us about it here - and don't forget - we like pictures!
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