Anyone used beer kegs with C02 gas

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Anyone used beer kegs with C02 gas

Post by Jim2 » Sun Mar 27, 2022 6:54 pm

Hi there
I found a couple of old 11 keg/ 50 litre kegs (not cask!)
I bough all the gear for it, the S-type shanky coupler, C02 regulators pipe and beer tap and have it set up
I have part filled the keg with cheap cans of larger out of Aldi's
But I am unsure of the proper way that this is supposed to work! and I was hopping someone with some experance of doing this could shed some light on it. Because I just don't get a constant amount of gas from pint to pint. It is either flat all full of foam

So should the beer be gassed inside the keg or flat as dose the C02 not give it the gas?
Dose it make any difference if part filled or filled to the top?


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Re: Anyone used beer kegs with C02 gas

Post by drjim » Tue Mar 29, 2022 8:57 pm

Hi Mate

You need to leave it all in the keg at a set temperature and have set pressure of Co2 on top. Pouring your cans in will have fizzed it up/lost the carbonation. If you have a regulator set at 15PSI it should all sort itself out.nKeep it cool/cold at fridge temp if it's lager.

Obviously filling a keg with cans is not the way to go, presume this is an experiment before filling with home-brew??



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Re: Anyone used beer kegs with C02 gas

Post by f00b4r » Tue Mar 29, 2022 10:36 pm

Unfortunately you cannot just pour cans into a keg as the beer will oxidise and be ruined, unless as drjim mentioned above, you are just using the cans for testing. Even so it will mess with the carbonation levels.
What are you trying to achieve with the keg setup?
Also, if they are brewery style stainless steel kegs they are very likely to be the property of the brewery they originate from and you need to be careful that you do not end up with Kegwatch on your doorstep accusing you of handling stolen goods. It is possible for homebrewers etc to buy those type of kegs but if they come with no paperwork but coloured ring markings and/or markings on the chimes (or evidence on some having been there) then it is unlikely they are kosher. Kegwatch will check them for you if you are unsure and contact them, via their website.

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