Sorghum syrup - gluten-free

A forum to discuss anything related to making gluten-free versions of those brews that would otherwise be off limits to coeliacs.
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Under the Table
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Sorghum syrup - gluten-free

Post by oldbloke » Tue Jun 11, 2013 12:08 am

Hamstead Brewing Centre now supply, as well as full gluten-free kits, just the cans of sorghum syrup.
But 2 cans of syrup cost a penny more than a kit, which also has hop extract and yeast... also have the cans of sorghum syrup

Anybody got ideas for a decent mild or brown using this syrup, let me know.

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Re: Sorghum syrup - gluten-free

Post by killer » Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:16 pm

Hi oldbloke,

No ideas I'm afraid, but I wanted to ask you how you've gotten on with the sorghum syrup ?
I understand it is less flavour-some and more watery than barley based beers ?
Based on that I was going to brew up an IPA, heavy on late hops and relatively bitter, coupled with some gluten free oats for a small amount of body.
What's your experience ?

Have you tried using prolyl endopeptidases on any beers ? I believe they are now commercially available.


Re: Sorghum syrup - gluten-free

Post by brewtalk » Fri Jan 10, 2014 3:46 am

I've been working on a gf recipe for a mate of mine planning to make him a birthday brew as hes turning 27 and all he has locally is st peters gluten free pilsner, i can't tell much difference in flavour to be honest its tasty stuff.

Whats the flavour of this stuff? any extract twang
How much is used in a 10 liter batch? or is a can set for 20 liters and can be split into two 10litre brews dry hopped differently?
Hows it best used put it straight in my boil pot? or make a hop soup and combine them in fermentor (will it scorch if directly heated as its just pure suger right)

Not much of an extract user, so any help will be appreciated his birthday ages away not until march the 5th so i have plenty of time.

Under the Table
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Re: Sorghum syrup - gluten-free

Post by oldbloke » Fri Jan 10, 2014 10:33 am

1 can will do 10 litres, the 5gallon (22.5l) kits come with 2 cans
There is a "this is made from sorghum" taste but it fades with time.
I did a Gone With The Wheat lager kit that was good after a bit of aging. Brewed short, no lack of body, but then lager is fairly light anyway.
Then recently I've tried doing a mild, making it up out of my head (using a very old extract-based recipe book of CJJB's), and so far it's a bit under-carbonated, a bit sorghumy, and generally a bit wishywashy. But it's not been in bottle long, I think it'll get better. Next time I try I need to get more body in it, probably by adding (more) maltodextrin
It's a thick syrup so you're going to need hot water to get it all out of the can, dunno about simmering as i used hop extract so no need to get hops boiled in

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