Brewing gluten Free

A forum to discuss anything related to making gluten-free versions of those brews that would otherwise be off limits to coeliacs.
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Re: Brewing gluten Free

Post by 6470zzy » Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:32 am

Jim wrote:
legion wrote:Homebrewtalk forum has a section dedicated to gluten free brewing.
Maybe that would be useful on here.
That would be a good idea as there seems to be quite an interest in this type of brewing :)
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Re: Brewing gluten Free

Post by Kingfisher4 » Sun Aug 25, 2019 3:17 pm

Jim wrote:
Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:47 pm
My wife is coeliac and we pay a fortune for tiny bottles of gf beer. The kits are very expensive and she doesn't drink that much but I'll definitely be looking into that enzyme thing.
This section seems to have been quiet for awhile. I have a friend of a friend who loves beer, but has recently been diagnosed as gluten intolerant.
After research on here and elsewhere, I have bought the MaltMiller NBS Clarity as a more economical version of the endopeptidase enzyme, assuming I will do more than one batch.
The first batch is bottled and maturing, any update would be helpful. I will feedback once this has been tried by our coeliac friend.
It would be really helpful to know if anyone adjusts their usual recipes whilst using this enzyme. I’m assuming not, as it was originally marketed simply as a chill haze solution?

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Re: Brewing gluten Free

Post by Cobnut » Sun Aug 25, 2019 10:21 pm

I have used the “gluten converting” enzyme, but there does seem to be conflicting advice on whether it truly makes beer “gluten free” or simply able to pass the chemical test for gluten.

Try reading this, but do report back on whether your coeliac friend suffers any ill effects: ... arity-ferm
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Re: Brewing gluten Free

Post by oldbloke » Sun Aug 25, 2019 11:55 pm

ClarityFerm destroys the protein, it makes the beer properly GF, given time to work. As far as I understand it. The 20ppm limit set years ago was mostly due to the assay method used not being able to measure anything smaller. Nowadays it's possible to measure down to 5ppm and so some countries do set a lower limit.
I use ClarityFerm for beers I brew for my wife and she has never suffered any ill effects. Several commercial brewers use it and if it didn't work they'd have soon found an alternative

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